Day 4 Hazelton, PA to Lamar, PA

25 July Monday Week 1 
The weather for the fourth day in a row proved to be a problem for us.  For the first three days it was heat and humidity beating on us, today it was rain and plenty of it.  A string of large thunderstorms passed through Pennsylvania around the I-80 corridor which happens to be the area of our route.  The heavy downpours turned both sides of the road into raging rivers at times.  Just as it appeared that the sun was going to reappear another thunderstorm would roll through.
Our cycling shoes fill up with water giving each of us a pair of personal wading pools for our feet. Even though the rain was bad it was actually better than the torturous unrelenting heat and humidity we had the first 3 days.
Our rolling route took us past perfectly manicured Amish farms with very little traffic.  The excellent cycling roads made the rain much easier to handle.
One of the riders says he thinks he saw Sasquatch running in a field and snapped a photo.  Could it have been the mysterious creature?
102 Moist Miles
5287 Feet of Climbing
Temperature 75-85 degrees


  1. Mother Nature is testing your mettle. Keep on pumping guys.

  2. Wow, is that also the Virgin Mary's face that I see in the trees back there? Surely this pic will pay for your trip?!

  3. I look forward to this blog every morning -it helps to fill in the text message/e-mails with Tim blanks!

  4. Now that I look a little closer YES I see the Virgin!
