Day 12 Remington, IN -> Pontiac, Illinois

Tuesday 2 August 2011 week 2
More heat was on the menu for us this morning.  It was already warm and muggy as we started out at 7:20 AM.  A SW breeze had already started forming.  This breeze would increase into a 20-25 MPH head wind.  Now don’t think this wind blowing in your face helps cool you down, it does not.  It feels more like a blow torch shoved in your face.
We are still on the remotest of farm roads with huge multi-thousand acre farms lining the roads on both sides with corn and soybeans. You are more likely to see a piece of farm equipment go by than a car or pick-up truck.
We pulled off the side of the road to take a couple sips of water when a truck pulled up and asked us where we were going.  We told him of our journey and he told us his 85 year old father was the town Mayor.  He then told us our route went right by his house and to stop by for some cold water.  In near 100 degree heat we do not turn down any offers of cold liquids.
When we reached his house he was outside to greet us. Ken started asking him 1001 questions about the corn fields and the soybeans.  After a few minutes Ken asked him if the people around here eat corn after seeing so much of it.  “Of course we do, we have the best sweet corn you can find” he said.  With that said he offered to cook some up for us to prove his point.  Well we were not going to turn down an offer like that so inside is air conditioned house we went.  The corn was spectacular especially salted and drenched in butter.  More good people doing good things for others. Small town America at its best.
We entered the  Central Time Zone today and crossed the border into Illinois.
98 Very HOT Miles
2515 Feet of Climbing
Temperature 78 - 99  degrees

What the Team did for Lunch:  CHOW!!!!

See the GIANT tractors, FAST ones too....

Only miles from the State line we get a picture of the great downtown area of Sheldon, ILL
Joe is leading me to believe there are no cars, only lawn mowers and Farm tractors..

11:00 AM EST The team reports the Illinois state line is behind them.  Headed for the GREAT state of Iowa.


  1. Ya anyway . . . you guys think you are on vacation?

  2. I know can you believe this lolly gagging? Whats up with the late mornings....Still waiting on yesterdays news

  3. At a later time than usual, Tim text'd he was trying to get on his bike. So, I sent him instructions - one foot over - balance - then other foot on pedal ....... he's so silly.

  4. Houston, do we have a problem? Just checking in to catch an update...guess I will stop back later.

  5. I thought once you rode a bike you never forgot? Especially after 12 days straight? Looking forward to the days updates!

  6. Do you sometimes use Couchsurfing or Hospitality Club to get free hosting and diner? Do you know these websites?

  7. Where was he referring to in CT? Waterford? Stafford? Lime Rock?

  8. We've not tried Couchsurfing or Hospitality clubs but have the information in case we need to. So far we have been able to find ok accommodations every night.

  9. We used them when crossing Norway and also warmshowers (bikers hosting bikers); it's very interesting meeting others cyclists because they know exactly what you need espacially for eating
