Day 38 West Yellowstone to Rexburg, ID

Sunday 28 August 2011 Day 3 of the 6'th week. Day 38 on the road

Knowing everyone is safe and damage is minimal was a big relief to all the riders. Being 3000+ miles from home knowing we could do nothing to help was hard for us to deal with.  In our minds we fabricated all types of scenarios of what we could do if disaster struck.  None of the options we had were very good or productive.  We had to rely on our family and friends to do what we should have been doing. Lucky for us all these people handled the situation very well and bailed us out. THANKS!!!!

Today we crossed into Idaho the 17th of the 20 states we will enter during this tour.  The weather out here sunny and high 80’s  was much better than what was still happing in New England. 
Not soon after crossing the border we started on a long steady downhill was fun going down but we all know the old bicycle saying…. “what goes down must go up”.   We will give up even more elevation as we head due south towards Twin Falls Idaho just 50 miles north of Nevada.
In our quest to “tag” as many states as possible on this tour we need to get our wheels into the state of Nevada. This little deviation will cost us almost 300 miles and thousands of feet in elevation which we will have to regain.
Tomorrow we will ride to Arco the first city to ever be illuminated by nuclear power.
86 Miles
2212 Feet of Climbing  We lost almost 4000”!
Temperature 70-85 degrees

1 comment:

  1. You cowboys are out there roping steers from the saddle, nice work. I haven't ventured out into town but I think East Lyme area was spared. Wind still blowing now at 11:30AM from the south. K. Burton lost a 2' diameter tree. Missed our house and hers (could have been ugly). We still have power on our street. Ride on. HP
