The crew was on the road by 7:30AM and headed north for Sun Valley. It was a chilly 50 degree morning but sunny and without wind.
As we came up on the bridge over the Snake River Canyon we spotted a couple of base jumpers getting ready to leap off the edge. These guys either are CRAZY or have balls the size of watermelons!!! It was real cool to watch them climb over the rail and take the plunge into the deep canyon.
It was soon obvious by our pace on the windless flat plain that we were all still weak from the past few days of illness.
It was almost impossible to get the bikes up to what would have been considered a reasonable speed for the conditions. But at least we were riding and making forward progress.
We made a stop for a needed rest after only 30 miles and wondered how long it would take our bodies to get back the horsepower we had 5 days ago.
It always goes away much faster than it comes back when you get out of bike shape.
The flat plains turned into a steady gradual uphill towards Sun Valley. We were told as we head north we will be in “rich man’s country”.
When rode past the Hailey airport there were more private jets parked on the tarmac then cars in a Super Stop & Shop parking lot. Hailey only has a population of 6000 people too. It looked like almost every family had a jet or private plane parked on the tarmac. Actors like Bruce Willis and others own land in the valley we were told.
By afternoon it felt like the power was coming back to our legs once again and the pace picked up.
We will need all the power we had back for tomorrows climb to Galena Pass at almost 9000 feet! Ouch!
We were lucky enough to come across a great Rails to Trails bike path called "The Wood River Trail" that took us the last 12 miles of today’s trip.
It was loaded with cyclists and more like a bicycle superhighway than a trail.
We stopped at a nice picnic table by a trout stream to rest when a fisherman walked up to us.
He quickly corrected Ken when Ken called what he had in his hand a fishing pole.
It is a “fly rod” not a “pole”. He had a beautiful saying we cannot remember when he corrected Ken.
If your reading this blog let’s hear it again….text us.
A great guy and a serious fisherman who even offered us all a place to sleep at his house if we wanted. How cool is that?
When we arrived in Sun Valley a staged Wild West shootout was happening on Main Street for us to watch.
Dinner was real tasty and after a few days of not eating we filled our faces. Ken had native trout, Joe elk and Tim salmon. All the meals were delicious.
The forecast at this elevation is for sun but only 39 degrees in the morning. That is going to be a nasty way to start the day.
80 Miles
3210 Feet of Climbing
Temperature 50-80 degrees
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